Mold Making Tools

Mold Making Tools

No matter what kind of metal clay you choose to work with in your jewelry studio, fine silver, silver alloy, bronze, copper or gold, you will need a few special tools to handle the clay while it's moist. or "wet". This article explains the basic wet working tools various tools and what they are used for. When options are available, we describe the specific uses for each option and compare it to the other choices.

MegaMold Silicone RTV

Mega Mold compound is a silicone material that picks up amazing detail, making intricate molds possible. Mega Mold consists of two parts. Knead equal parts of white and colored compound together until all marbling is gone, press over item to be molded, and then wait 5 minutes for mold to set up. When set, remove the original element and the mold is ready to use. No release is needed with Mega Mold! Mega Mold is made from silicone so metal clays will not stick. Mega Mold is versatile and stays flexible for years and years, unlike other low-cost mold making materials which harden and become brittle within a few months. Mega Mold is non-toxic and requires no release. Shelf life of Mega Mold is 6 months.

Sculpey Mold Maker

Sulpey Mold Maker is an inexpensive and easy to use mold making material that is cured in a home oven. Impress a design or master into the material, then remove the master and bake in a standard home oven. The result is a durable, flexible mold. Sculpey Mold Maker is available in 1/2 pound blocks and will typically make several dozen molds. Use Cool Slip as a release to keep clay from sticking to the mold.

Sculpey Firm Grey

Sculpey Firm Modeling Compound is especially good for use in carving custom texture plates. Sculpey Firm material picks up details beautifully. Thick, flat slabs can be cut from the block with a guillotine style cheese cutter and used to make excellent impressions from brass stampings and other flat articles for molds. Like Sculpey Mold Maker, Sculpey Firm is oven baked to cure.

Texture Tips

Cool Tools Texture Tips can be used to create molds! Simply impress the Texture Tip into your silicone mold making compound for a quick reverse version of the design or symbol. Texture Tips make it easy because they are non-stick and easy to handle. Use Mega Mold and Texture Tips to make endless custom molds for amazing jewelry designs.

Texture Tiles

When making Molds, Texture Tiles can be used to create a two sided mold! Why waste one side of the mold material? Impress the back of a mold onto the Texture Tile before it cures and enjoy the reverse image of the Texture at no extra cost.